I've created things in the world! Some of them might even be interesting or useful.
Co-author on a multi-modal LLM benchmark designed to be the final closed-ended academic benchmark of its kind with broad subject coverage. Project of The Center for AI Safety (CAIS).
Williams College course (PHIL-098) interrogating original texts from antiquity on ethical concerns relevant to artificial entities: agency, control, sentience, language, creativity, soul, and more.
Kit for local genAI experimentation, on loan through Williams College libraries. OLMo large language model on Raspberry Pi 5 via the experimental Mozilla Llamafile project.
Summer course for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Surveying ethical issues confronting us with the growth of generative AI, from commerce to the arts to education to the military to health care.
Blogpost for Williams Makerspace, recipe for spinning up a hyper-local Apache webserver on a Raspberry Pi for community access: festivals, teach-ins, emergencies (e.g. ISPs and cell towers non-functional).
Presentation at NERD Summit, UMass-Amherst: "Conversational Computing; or, how genAI reveals (and subverts) our HCI assumptions". An exploration of how tech folkways can mismatch our intentions with genAI.
Presentation at Connecticut Academic Library Conference: "Multilingual Media Editing with Local, Open AI Tools". Demonstration of local AI to produce film captions. Co-presenter with Trevor Murphy, Williams College.
A 5-week training course designed to certify faculty to teach online courses. Topics: pedagogy, UX, design, accessibility, online presence, media, troubleshooting. CC-BY-SA, designed natively in Instructure Canvas LMS.
A collection of microfiction, poetry, and images written throughout April 2020, conveying imaginings built on the uncertainties of worlds, and lives, disrupted in a time of global tragedies. Published by Shires Press.
Invited speaker at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute series on technology and its social impacts. Presented in conjunction with Berkshire Innovation Center, 1Berkshire, Williams College, MCLA, and Bard College at Simon's Rock.
Member of the IEEE working group for Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, a standards document to prioritize ethics in the creation of AI systems.
Code project developed as a participant in the Critical Code Studies Working Group at the University of Southern California, to generate accessible content from StoryMapJS (a project of Knight Lab at Northwestern University).
Chapter in Seelow (ed.) Lessons Drawn: Essays on the Pedagogy of Comics and Graphic Novels. An approach to teaching philosophy inclusively, through Gaiman's Sandman graphic novels. Published by McFarland Press.
An introductory philosophy curriculum redesigned as a hybrid gamified RPG. Case study in Bell, K, Game On! Gamification, Gameful Design, and the Rise of the Gamer Educator, published by Johns Hopkins University Press.
A comprehensive linguistic and ethical analysis of key terms and arguments relevant to the ethical concepts of eudaimonia and makaria across several centuries of ancient Greek thought. Published by Peter Lang Press.
"Aristotle, Aquinas, and the Convertibility of Truth and Being", Philosophical Writings. Aquinas's metaphysics of adequation prevents his thought from being considered a philosophical extension of Aristotelian theory.